Vindhólar-Keppni - 22./23. September 2007


K.L.T8 - Tölt: Vorentscheidung 

Sponsor: Catz Sports


01: 070 Wilma Warfen - Lettir vom Wotanshof []5,07
  VORE 5,2 - 5,3 - 4,7 
02: 002 Dana Hernando - Àll frá Isafold []4,70
  VORE 4,3 - 4,8 - 5,0 
03: 014 Larissa Becherer - Brak []4,33
  VORE 4,5 - 4,2 - 4,3 
04: 028 Nina Budnick - Fenja []4,23
  VORE 4,2 - 4,3 - 4,2 
05: 065 Sina Christiansen [-] - Kongur [43-13705-96 ]4,07
  VORE 4,0 - 4,5 - 3,7 
06: 049 Lisa Gatermann [IPZV Nord e.V.] - Helgi fra Duedahl []2,93
  VORE 3,3 - 2,5 - 3,0 

FEIF is bringing people together in their passion for the Icelandic horse

Erstellt am 23 September 2007 13:31:09 
IceTest 1.1.540 - FEIF - International Federation of Icelandic Horse Associations