Vindhólar-Keppni - 22./23. September 2007


Z.A.P3 - Passrennen 150 m 

Sponsor: Iceland Express


01: 073 Einar Hermannsson [IPZV Nord e.V.] - Ljósbrá von Faxaból []16,47"
  1. L 0,00 
  2. L 16,47 
02: 043 Marie Lange-Fuchs [IPZV Nord e.V.] - Glódís frá Leirulćk []18,15"
  1. L 18,15 
  2. L 18,85 
03: 007 Michaela Grosser - Askur []19,17"
  1. L 19,17 
  2. L 0,00 
04: 020 Jasmina Pflüger - Elding fra Oddhol []21,79"
  1. L 0,00 
  2. L 21,79 
--- 078 Elias Árnason [-] - Nanna frá Kastanjely []0,00"
  1. L 0,00 
  2. L 0,00 

FEIF is bringing people together in their passion for the Icelandic horse

Erstellt am 23 September 2007 13:30:12 
IceTest 1.1.540 - FEIF - International Federation of Icelandic Horse Associations